2020 Raffle Winners
We are happy to congratulate the top five winners of Lodge 29’s last raffle. The winners are as follow: Grand Prize- R.Barrett 2nd Place- K.Murphy 3rd Place- A.Wachter 4th Place- N.Moyar 5th Place- D.Willits Again congratulations to the winners. We will be contacting you personally in the near future for your prizes.
Read MoreNew Promotions
We would like to congratulate newly promoted officers: Agent Bolt is now Lt Bolt Officer Kitko is now Agent Kitko Officer Geesey is now Cpl Geesey Cpl Hofford is now Sgt Hofford Credit to the Williamsport Sun-Gazette for the photos
Read MoreFOP Lodge 29 Facebook Page
Please head over to Facebook and check out our new FOP Lodge 29 page.
Read MoreThank You!
FOP Lodge 29 would like to thank everyone who contributed to our annual Holiday Variety Show. The show was a great success and we all enjoyed seeing everyone who came out to the Scottish Rite to enjoy it. Thanks again and be safe through the holidays.
Read MoreWelcome Back Officer Eric Houseknecht
FOP Lodge 29 is pleased to announce that an agreement has been reached with the City of Williamsport for 20 year police veteran Eric Houseknecht to return to service. Officer Houseknecht returned on 12/10/2018 and we wish him the very best.
Read MoreFOP Awards Ceremony in Front of City Council
On 11/20/2018, multiple officers were given awards in front of the City Council of Williamsport. Below is the narrative that was read by Agent Damon Hagan in regard to the awards which were given. “On November 7th, 2017 at 6:34 P.M., Lycoming County Communications received a 911 call reporting a shooting at 2225 West Third…
Read MoreFOP Lodge 29 Annual Holiday Variety Show
Thank you to everyone who has purchased tickets to our Annual Holiday Variety Show. The show takes place on Tuesday, December 18, 2018 at the Scottish Rite Auditorium, which is located at 348 Market St Williamsport PA 17701. The show times are 4:30PM and 7:30PM, with doors opening 30 minutes prior to each show. If…
Read MoreWelcome Damon Cole
Officer Damon Cole finished his one year probationary period with the Williamsport Bureau of Police in September 2018. At the October FOP meeting, Officer Cole was officially sworn in as an active member of FOP Lodge 29. Congratulations!!!
Read MorePress Release: Williamsport Police Officer Fired
On August 24, 2017, Cpl. Houseknecht was advised he was the subject of an internal investigation and was placed on paid administrative leave. Cpl. Houseknecht remained on paid administrative [eave while the City conducted an internal investigation. On April 2, 2018, Cpl. Houseknecht received a notice of discipline from Chief of Police Young advising the…
Read MoreWelcome Gino Caschera, Addison Gingrich, and Thadd Trafford
On 02/20/2018, Police Officers Gino Caschera, Addison Gingrich, and Thadd Trafford all successfully completed their one year probationary period with the Williamsport Bureau of Police. They were then sworn in as active Members of FOP Lodge 29 at our March meeting. Congrats brothers!!!!!
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